As a parent, knowing how to teach a child English at home can be challenging. Whether you’re a native speaker of the language or not, teaching your child English is an invaluable skill that will help them throughout their lives. In this post, we’ll go over some of the tips and tricks you can use to give your child the best possible start in learning English.
Create a Fun Learning Environment
The first step to teaching your child English is creating an environment that encourages and excites them. This can involve bringing fun into the classroom by using toys, games, and books as tools for learning. Additionally, try to incorporate music and rhythm into your lessons; this will help them learn faster and easier because they are engaging with content that interests them. You should also make sure to praise their accomplishments when they make progress — this will motivate them and boost their confidence in their ability to learn English.
- Play games
Games are great for introducing new vocabulary and teaching new concepts. You can play games such as bingo or card games with flashcards which will help children get used to pronouncing words correctly.
- Start a picture book library
If you have young toddlers or infants, then there are many English nursery rhymes and stories with bright colorful illustrations that you can collect. These are excellent for teaching your child the words and names of objects. You can expand their English teachings to more advanced texts as they age.
Focus on Oral Communication
When it comes to teaching a language to a young learner, it’s essential to focus on oral communication first and foremost. Begin by introducing basic words and phrases like greetings (e.g., “hello”) before moving onto more complex topics such as grammar and sentence structure. As you go through each lesson, be sure to practice proper pronunciation with your child so they can understand what they are hearing as well as speaking it correctly themselves.
- Going to an English-speaking country
If your child is old enough and capable of traveling, then you could consider taking them abroad to an English-speaking country such as the UK or Australia. This will not only expose them to English, but will also allow them the opportunity to practice their English with native speakers.
- Being social
One of the best ways to learn English is by being around other people who are speaking the language. Therefore, if your child has the opportunity, then encourage them to make friends with other children their age who are also learning English. This will not only help them improve their speaking skills, but also teach them how to pronounce words correctly.
Integrate Technology Into Your Lessons
Technology has become an integral part of our everyday lives, including teaching children language skills such as speaking English fluently.
- Using online tools
Many online resources allow parents to interact with their children in order to teach them English. For example, there are online books that read the words out loud to the child. These books are interactive, allowing the child to choose a character or song that they are interested in. Online lessons also provide short quizzes so the child can test their knowledge.
- Using apps
There is a range of apps that are available that teach children English. There are many apps available on both iOS and Android devices that have been designed specifically for language learners of all ages — try out several different ones until you find one that works best for your child’s learning style.
- Watch TV
If you have access to a good quality television channel that broadcasts in English, then this can be an excellent way of helping your child learn the language better than they would by simply listening on their own or watching videos on YouTube. Having something like CBeebies or Disney Junior on in the background while they do other things (such as play or read) will allow them to hear new words repeatedly until they start recognising them automatically when spoken by other people around them (such as family members).
Additionally, look online for videos or podcasts related to the topics you are trying to teach; these visual aids can really help bring the material alive for young learners who may need additional encouragement or reinforcement when it comes to an understanding new concepts in English.

Learning any language takes time, patience, dedication, and practice — and teaching a child how to speak English is no exception! However, if you follow these steps outlined above — creating an exciting learning environment; focusing on oral communication; incorporating technology into lessons — you’ll be able to set up your child for success in mastering the language from the comfort of home!